My science and nature writing spans a variety of publications and topics. Here are some samples.
“A Ballooning Effort: Maryland Bans Intentional Balloon Releases” (Maryland Sea Grant)
Pulling the Mussels (Maryland Sea Grant, Chesapeake Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2)
“Not Quite Two of a Kind” (Maryland Sea Grant)
American Eels: Dams, Habitat Loss, and Restocking (Maryland Sea Grant, part three of a four-part series)
Mysterious Mysids (Maryland Sea Grant)
Blue Bloods and Red Knots (Chesapeake Bay Magazine)
The Plight of Whales (Chesapeake Bay Magazine)
For Scientists, Chunks of Whale Earwax Can be Biological Treasure Troves (
In Its Layers, This Stunning Pink Algae Holds Secrets of Climates Past (
Scientists Track, for the First Time, One of the Rarest Songbirds on its Yearlong Migration (
Fishing for an Enigma (Chesapeake Bay Magazine)
Meet the Turtles Surviving an Invasion of Enormous Tractors (The New Scientist)